Security 28
- UofTCTF 2025 - Pwnable Write up
- BRICS+ CTF Quals 2024 - Pwnable Write up
- BlackHat MEA CTF Final 2023 - Pwnable Write up
- 2023 Layer7 CTF - Pwnable Write up
- 2023 INC0GNITO CTF Qual - Pwnable Write up
- LakeCTF Quals 23 - not malloc Write up
- ISITDTU CTF 2023 Quals Pwnable Write up
- BlackHat MEA CTF Qualification 2023 Pwnable Write up
- BuckeyeCTF 2023 Pwnable Write up
- vsCTF 2023 Pwnable Write up
- [논문요약] Git-based CTF: A Simple and Effective Approach to Organizing In-Course Attack-and-Defense Security Competition
- [DanteCTF 2023] Infernal Break Write up
- [RITSEC CTF 2023] Write up
- [UTCTF 2023] Sandbox write-up
- [UTCTF 2023] Printfail write-up
- IDA switch문이 jmp rax로 최적화되었을 때 해결법
- Format String Bug (FSB) - Basic
- [Fuzzing101] Exercise 1 - Xpdf
- [논문요약] AFL++: Combining Incremental Steps of Fuzzing Research
- SCTF 2022 write-up
- UACTF 2022 write-up
- Linux Kernel - PC 부팅 과정
- Linux Kernel - vmlinux, bzImage
- LINE CTF 2022 - call of fake
- CISCN 2017 Winter - babydriver
- Heap Exploit - House of Lore (a.k.a. Smallbin attack)
- SFCTF 2022 Winter - simple_kpwn
- SFCTF 2022 Winter - simple_pwn